DBIx::SimpleQuery is designed for anyone who wants to run specific SQL
commands against a database with as little surrounding structure as

It exports two functions, query and qs (quote-string), which allow you
to include SQL in your code without needing to deal with database
handlers, DSNs, and the like.

qs() escapes a string and surrounds it with single quotes, so that it
can be safely embedded in a query.  Whenever possible, it uses the
appropriate DBD module to do this.

query() runs one or more queries against a database, and returns a
value or a structure that can be evaluated in a number of ways,
depending on your need.

Example 1:

use DBIx::SimpleQuery;

sub get_name {
  my $user_id = qs(shift());
  return query "SELECT name FROM users WHERE user_id = $user_id";

print get_name("mo'connor") . "\n";

Example 2:

use DBIx::SimpleQuery;

foreach my $name (query "SELECT name FROM users ORDER BY name") {
    print $name . "\n";

Example 3:

use DBIx::SimpleQuery;

foreach my $row (query "SELECT user_id, name FROM users") {
    print $row->{"user_id"} . "\t" . $row->{"name"} . "\n";

Database connection information can be set using environment
variables, through a DBIx::SimpleQuery::setDefaults() call, or through
arguments to new or query.  If a particular web application will
always be using the same database connection, they can be set in
apache/conf/httpd.conf, for instance.