#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw use strict; # $Id: mail2news,v 1.14 2001/03/13 19:38:05 khera Exp $ require 5.005; use Net::NNTP; use Mail::Header; require 'sysexits.ph'; # mailer exit status codes use vars qw($nntpserver $VERSION); ####### # change this to point to your NNTP server host. $nntpserver = 'truffula'; ####### $VERSION = do { my @r=(q$Revision: 1.14 $ =~ /\d+/g); sprintf '%d.'.'%02d' x $#r, @r }; # Print warning and exit. Some mailers will discard warning string. # Postfix is nice enough to display it in the mailq & log output when # we exit with non-success exitcode. sub croak { my ($msg,$exitcode) = @_; warn "$msg\n"; exit($exitcode); } my $newsgroup = shift || croak('No newsgroup specified.',&EX_USAGE); # process headers my $head = new Mail::Header \*STDIN || croak('Mail::Header failure.', &EX_TEMPFAIL); # make sure a subject line is there, and has contents! if ($head->count('Subject') == 0) { $head->add('Subject','(none specified)'); } elsif ($head->get('Subject') =~ m/^\s*$/) { $head->replace('Subject','(none specified)'); } if ($head->count('Organization') == 0) { $head->add('Organization','none'); } my @headers; # headers we want from the message foreach my $h (qw( Date From To Cc Subject Organization Message-ID References In-Reply-To MIME-Version Content-Type Content-Transfer-Encoding )) { if (defined (my $text = $head->get($h))) { chomp $text; # may or may not have newlines... push @headers,"$h: $text\n"; } } push @headers,"Newsgroups: $newsgroup\n"; push @headers,"Approved: $newsgroup\@mail2news\n"; push @headers,"\n"; # post the message! my $nntp = Net::NNTP->new($nntpserver) or croak('Net::NNTP failure.', &EX_TEMPFAIL); $nntp->post() or croak('post() failure',&EX_TEMPFAIL); $nntp->datasend(\@headers) or croak('datasend() header failure',&EX_TEMPFAIL); while (<>) { $nntp->datasend($_) or croak('datasend() body failure',&EX_TEMPFAIL); } $nntp->debug(1); # if error exit code, log to maillog (STDERR) $nntp->dataend() or croak('Post dataend() failure.',&EX_DATAERR); $nntp->quit(); exit(&EX_OK); __END__ =pod =head1 NAME mail2news - gateway for email to news usage: C<mail2news local.group.name> =head1 DESCRIPTION Reads mail message from STDIN and posts to the specified newsgroup on an NNTP server. Assumes that the news server will provide the news to mail direction via moderation, like INN does. This program takes care to ensure that threading is maintained and that MIME stuff passes through safely so that your news reader can do the right thing with it. =head1 README Install INN, configure it for local access with no newsfeeds. If you have newsfeeds, ensure that C<local> groups are not fed to other sites. You B<must> change the $nntpserver variable in this program to name I<your> news server. On your news server (as user C<news>) do the following, per gatewayed group. In our example, your domain name is C<example.com> and the news group is called C<local.group.name>. =over 4 =item * Add new group as moderated: ctlinnd newgroup local.group.name m daemon@example.com =item * Add moderator address to F</usr/local/news/etc/moderators>: local.group.name:submission@address.location This makes postings to the newsgroup be forwarded to the mailing list submission address. The mailing list will then forward it to all recipients, including the mail2news program, which will post it to the newsgroup as it was delivered to the rest of the mailing list. =back On mail server (as root): =over 4 =item * Add aliases in F</etc/aliases> (or your system's equivalent): group-name: "|exec /usr/local/bin/mail2news local.group.name" owner-group-name: root Don't forget to run C<newaliases> or its equivalent. =back You will, of course, need to subscribe C<group-name@example.com> to the list you are gatewaying. B<NOTE:> some lists expect you to be a member in order to post to them, so they may reject submissions from the news to mail translation done by INN, since it will send the message as being from your address, not the address subscribed for the mail to news gateway. =head1 PREREQUISITES Requires C<Net::NNTP> and C<Mail::Header>. It has only been tested on perl 5.005_3 on Unix. You must also have a valid C<sysexits.ph> header available for your system, as translated by h2ph during perl installation. =head1 OSNAMES Should work on C<any> Perl, but only tested on BSD Unix using Postfix as the mail server and INN as the news server. =head1 SCRIPT CATEGORIES Mail News =head1 AUTHOR Vivek Khera <vivek@khera.org> Copyright 2001 Vivek Khera. This program is distributed under the same terms as Perl itself. Please refer to the Perl license for details. Please, B<DO NOT> ask me for assistance setting up or configuring INN or your mail server. I cannot help you with that. Please do let me know of any problems with this program, however. =cut