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Termbox - Create Text-based User Interfaces Without ncurses


use Termbox 2 qw[:all];
my @chars = split //, 'hello, world!';
my $code  = tb_init();
my @rows = (
    [ TB_WHITE,   TB_BLACK ],
    [ TB_RED,     TB_GREEN ],
    [ TB_GREEN,   TB_RED ],
    [ TB_YELLOW,  TB_BLUE ],
for my $row ( 0 .. $#rows ) {
    for my $col ( 0 .. $#chars ) {
        tb_set_cell( $col, $row, $chars[$col], @{ $rows[$row] } );
sleep 3;


Termbox is a terminal rendering library that retains the
[suckless](https://suckless.org/coding_style/) spirit of the original termbox
(simple API, no dependencies beyond libc) and adds some improvements:

- strict error checking
- more efficient escape sequence parsing
- code gen for built-in escape sequences
- opt-in support for 32-bit color
- extended grapheme clusters

## Note

This module wraps `libtermbox2`, an incompatible fork of the now abandoned
`libtermbox`. I'm not sure why you would but if you're looking for the
original, try any version of [Termbox](https://metacpan.org/pod/Termbox).pm before 2.0.

# Functions

Termbox's API is very small. You can build most UIs with just a few functions.
Import them by name or with `:all`.

## `tb_init( )`

Initializes the termbox2 library. This function should be called before any
other functions. Calling this is the same as `tb_init_file('/dev/tty')`. After
successful initialization, the library must be finalized using the
`tb_shutdown( )` function.

If this returns anything other than `0`, it didn't work.

## `tb_init_file( $name )`

This function will init the termbox2 library on the file name provided.

## `tb_init_fd( $fileno )`

This function will init the termbox2 library on the provided filehandle. This
is untested.

## `tb_init_rwfd( $rfileno, $wfileno )`

This function will init the termbox2 library on the provided filehandles. This
is untested.

## `tb_shutdown( )`

Causes the termbox2 library to attempt to clean up after itself.

## `tb_width( )`

Returns the horizontal size of the internal back buffer (which is the same as
terminal's window size in columns).

The internal buffer can be resized after `tb_clear( )` or `tb_present( )`
function calls. This function returns an unspecified negative value when called
before `tb_init( )` or after `tb_shutdown( )`.

## `tb_height( )`

Returns the vertical size of the internal back buffer (which is the same as
terminal's window size in rows).

The internal buffer can be resized after `tb_clear( )` or `tb_present( )`
function calls. This function returns an unspecified negative value when called
before `tb_init( )` or after `tb_shutdown( )`.

## `tb_clear( )`

Clears the internal back buffer using `TB_DEFAULT` color or the
color/attributes set by `tb_set_clear_attrs( )` function.

## `tb_set_clear_attrs( $fg, $bg )`

Overrides the use of `TB_DEFAULT` to clear the internal back buffer when
`tb_clear( )` is called.

## `tb_present( )`

Synchronizes the internal back buffer with the terminal by writing to tty.

## `tb_invalidate( )`

Clears the internal front buffer effectively forcing a complete re-render of
the back buffer to the tty. It is not necessary to call this under normal

## `tb_set_cursor( $x, $y )`

Sets the position of the cursor. Upper-left character is `(0, 0)`.

## `tb_hide_cursor( )`

Hides the cursor.

## `tb_set_cell( $x, $y, $ch, $fg, $bg )`

Set cell contents in the internal back buffer at the specified position.

Function `tb_set_cell($x, $y, $ch, $fg, $bg)`is equivalent to
`tb_set_cell_ex($x, $y, $ch, 1, $fg, $bg)`.

## `tb_set_cell_ex( $x, $y, $ch, $nch, $fg, $bg )`

Set cell contents in the internal back buffer at the specified position. Use
this function for rendering grapheme clusters (e.g., combining diacritical

## `tb_extend_cell( $x, $y, $ch )`

Shortcut to append 1 code point to the given cell.

## `tb_set_input_mode( $mode )`

Sets the input mode. Termbox has two input modes:


    When escape (`\x1b`) is in the buffer and there's no match for an escape
    sequence, a key event for TB\_KEY\_ESC is returned.


    When escape (`\x1b`) is in the buffer and there's no match for an escape
    sequence, the next keyboard event is returned with a `TB_MOD_ALT` modifier.

You can also apply `TB_INPUT_MOUSE` via bitwise OR operation to either of the
modes (e.g., `TB_INPUT_ESC | TB_INPUT_MOUSE`) to receive `TB_EVENT_MOUSE`
events. If none of the main two modes were set, but the mouse mode was,
`TB_INPUT_ESC` mode is used. If for some reason you've decided to use
(`TB_INPUT_ESC | TB_INPUT_ALT`) combination, it will behave as if only
`TB_INPUT_ESC` was selected.

If mode is `TB_INPUT_CURRENT`, the function returns the current input mode.

The default input mode is `TB_INPUT_ESC`.

## `tb_set_output_mode( $mode )`

Sets the termbox2 output mode. Termbox has multiple output modes:

- 1. `TB_OUTPUT_NORMAL` => \[0..8\]

    This mode provides 8 different colors: `TB_BLACK`, `TB_RED`, `TB_GREEN`,

    Plus `TB_DEFAULT` which skips sending a color code (i.e., uses the terminal's
    default color).

    Colors (including `TB_DEFAULT`) may be bitwise OR'd with attributes:

    As in all modes, the value `0` is interpreted as `TB_DEFAULT` for

    Some notes: `TB_REVERSE` can be applied as either fg or bg attributes for the
    same effect. `TB_BOLD`, `TB_UNDERLINE`, `TB_ITALIC`, `TB_BLINK` apply as fg
    attributes only, and are ignored as bg attributes.

    Example usage:

    tb_set_cell($x, $y, '@', TB_BLACK | TB_BOLD, TB_RED);

- 2. `TB_OUTPUT_256` => \[0..255\] + `TB_256_BLACK`

    In this mode you get 256 distinct colors (plus default):

                0x00   (1): TB_DEFAULT
        TB_256_BLACK   (1): TB_BLACK in TB_OUTPUT_NORMAL
          0x01..0x07   (7): the next 7 colors as in TB_OUTPUT_NORMAL
          0x08..0x0f   (8): bright versions of the above
          0x10..0xe7 (216): 216 different colors
          0xe8..0xff  (24): 24 different shades of gray

    Attributes may be bitwise OR'd as in `TB_OUTPUT_NORMAL`.

    Note `TB_256_BLACK` must be used for black, as `0x00` represents default.

- 3. `TB_OUTPUT_216` => \[0..216\]

    This mode supports the 216-color range of `TB_OUTPUT_256` only, but you don't
    need to provide an offset:

                0x00   (1): TB_DEFAULT
          0x01..0xd8 (216): 216 different colors

- 4. `TB_OUTPUT_GRAYSCALE` => \[0..24\]

    This mode supports the 24-color range of `TB_OUTPUT_256` only, but you don't
    need to provide an offset:

                0x00   (1): TB_DEFAULT
          0x01..0x18  (24): 24 different shades of gray

- 5. `TB_OUTPUT_TRUECOLOR` => \[0x000000..0xffffff\] + `TB_TRUECOLOR_BLACK`

    This mode provides 24-bit color on supported terminals. The format is
    `0xRRGGBB`. Colors may be bitwise OR'd with `TB_TRUECOLOR_*` attributes.

    Note `TB_TRUECOLOR_BLACK` must be used for black, as `0x000000` represents

If mode is `TB_OUTPUT_CURRENT`, the function returns the current output mode.

The default output mode is `TB_OUTPUT_NORMAL`.

To use the terminal default color (i.e., to not send an escape code), pass
`TB_DEFAULT`. For convenience, the value `0` is interpreted as `TB_DEFAULT`
in all modes.

Note, cell attributes persist after switching output modes. Any translation
between, for example, `TB_OUTPUT_NORMAL`'s `TB_RED` and
`TB_OUTPUT_TRUECOLOR`'s `0xff0000` must be performed by the caller. Also note
that cells previously rendered in one mode may persist unchanged until the
front buffer is cleared (such as after a resize event) at which point it will
be re-interpreted and flushed according to the current mode. Callers may invoke
`tb_invalidate( )` if it is desirable to immediately re-interpret and flush
the entire screen according to the current mode.

Note, not all terminals support all output modes, especially beyond
`TB_OUTPUT_NORMAL`. There is also no very reliable way to determine color
support dynamically. If portability is desired, callers are recommended to use
`TB_OUTPUT_NORMAL` or make output mode end-user configurable.

## `tb_peek_event( $event, $timeout_ms )`

Wait for an event up to `$timeout_ms` milliseconds and fill the $event
structure with it. If no event is available within the timeout period,
`TB_ERR_NO_EVENT` is returned. On a resize event, the underlying `select(2)`
call may be interrupted, yielding a return code of `TB_ERR_POLL`. In this
case, you may check `errno` via `tb_last_errno( )`. If it's `EINTR`, you can
safely ignore that and call `tb_peek_event( )` again.

## `tb_poll_event( $event )`

Same as `tb_peek_event( $event, $timeout_ms )` except no timeout.

## `tb_get_fds( \$ttyfd, \$resizefd )`

Internal termbox2 FDs that can be used with `poll()` / `select()`. Must call
`tb_poll_event( $event )` / `tb_peek_event( $event, $timeout_ms )` if
activity is detected.

## `tb_print( $x, $y, $fg, $bg, $str )`

It prints text.

## `tb_send( $buf, $nbuf )`

Send raw bytes to terminal.

## `tb_set_func( $fn_type, $fn )`

Set custom functions. `$fn_type` is one of `TB_FUNC_*` constants, `fn` is a
compatible function pointer, or `undef` to clear.


    If specified, invoke this function BEFORE termbox2 tries to extract any escape
    sequences from the input buffer.


    If specified, invoke this function AFTER termbox2 tries (and fails) to extract
    any escape sequences from the input buffer.

## `tb_utf8_char_length( $c )`

Returns the length of a utf8 encoded character.

## `tb_utf8_char_to_unicode( \$out, $c )`

Converts a utf8 encoded character to Unicode.

## `tb_utf8_unicode_to_char( \$out, $c )`

Converts a Unicode character to utf8.

## `tb_last_errno( )`

Returns the last `errno`.

## `tb_strerror( $err )`

Returns a string describing the given error.

## `tb_cell_buffer( )`

Returns the current cell buffer.

## `tb_has_truecolor( )`

Returns a true value if truecolor values are supported.

## `tb_has_egc( )`

Returns a true value if Unicode's extended grapheme clusters are supported.

## Ctb\_version( )>

Returns the version string of the wrapped libtermbox2.

# Constants

You may import these by name or with the following tags:

## `:keys`

These are a safe subset of terminfo keys which exist on all popular terminals.
Termbox only uses them to stay truly portable. See also Termbox::Event's `key(
)` method.

Please see
for the list

## `:color`

These are foreground and background color values.

Please see
for the list

## `:event`

Please see
for the list

## `:return`

Common function return values unless otherwise noted.

Library behavior is undefined after receiving `TB_ERR_MEM`. Callers may
attempt reinitializing by freeing memory, invoking `tb_shutdown( )`, then
`tb_init( )`.

Please see
for the list

## `:func`

Function types to be used with `tb_set_func( $fn_type, $func )`.

Please see
for the list


Copyright (C) Sanko Robinson.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms found in the Artistic License 2. Other copyrights, terms, and
conditions may apply to data transmitted through this module.


Sanko Robinson <sanko@cpan.org>