NAME Dancer::Plugin::Email - Simple email handling for Dancer applications using Email::Stuff! VERSION version 0.1300 SYNOPSIS use Dancer; use Dancer::Plugin::Email; post '/contact' => sub { email { to => '...', subject => '...', message => $msg, attach => [ '/path/to/file' ] }; }; Important Note! The default email format is plain-text, this can be changed to html by setting the option 'type' to 'html' in the config file or as an argument in the hashref passed to the email keyword. The following are options that can be passed to the email function: # send message to to => $email_recipient # send messages from from => $mail_sender # email subject subject => 'email subject line' # message body message => 'html or plain-text data' message => { text => $text_message, html => $html_messase, # type must be 'multi' } # email message content type type => 'text' type => 'html' type => 'multi' # carbon-copy other email addresses cc => '' cc => ',,' cc => join ', ', @email_addresses # blind carbon-copy other email addresses bcc => '' bcc => ',,' bcc => join ', ', @email_addresses # specify where email responses should be directed reply_to => '' # attach files to the email attach => [ '/path/to/file1', '/path/to/file2' ] # send additional (specialized) headers headers => { "X-Mailer" => "Dancer::Plugin::Email 1.23456789" } DESCRIPTION Provides an easy way of handling text or html email messages with or without attachments. Simply define how you wish to send the email in your application's YAML configuration file, then call the email keyword passing the necessary parameters as outlined above. CODE RECIPES # Handle Email Failures post '/contact' => sub { my $msg = email { to => '...', subject => '...', message => $msg, encoding => 'base64', attach => [ '/path/to/file' ] }; warn $msg->{string} if $msg->{type} eq 'failure'; }; # Add More Email Headers email { to => '...', subject => '...', message => $msg, headers => { "X-Mailer" => 'This fine Dancer application', "X-Accept-Language" => 'en' } }; # Send Text and HTML Email together email { to => '...', subject => '...', type => 'multi', message => { text => $txt, html => $html, } }; CONFIG COOKBOOK # Send mail via SMTP with SASL authentication plugins: Email: driver: smtp host: user: pass: **** # Send mail to/from Google (gmail) plugins: Email: ssl: 1 driver: smtp host: port: 465 user: pass: **** # Send mail to/from Google (gmail) using TLS plugins: Email: tls: 1 driver: smtp host: port: 587 user: pass: **** # Debug email server communications plugins: Email: debug: 1 # Set default headers to be issued with every message plugins: Email: from: ... subject: ... encoding: base64 headers: X-Mailer: MyDancer 1.0 X-Accept-Language: en CONFIGURATION Connection details will be taken from your Dancer application config file, and should be specified as, for example: plugins: Email: driver: sendmail # must be an Email::Send driver path: /usr/bin/sendmail # for Sendmail host: localhost # for SMTP from: AUTHORS * Al Newkirk <> * Naveed Massjouni <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2010 by awncorp. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.