LoadWorm - WebSite Stress and Validation Tool

The LoadWorm is a tool to load a website with programmed requests, and to
record the resultant performance, from a web client's perspective.  It can
also be used for various investigative purposes, such as validation of the
website, or discovering all the referrers to a page, etc. I have already
used it to discover faults that have lead to a major re-architecting here
at SaveSmart commercial site(s). It runs, unaltered, on Unix and Win32
(tested on Solaris 2.4, Linux, and WinNT 4.0).

This is an application, written in Perl, that uses LWP, LWP::Parallel,
sockets (lots of them!), and Tk, so there is plenty to get your hands onto
here. The pod will tell you how to operate it.

LATEST VERSION: (also the initial CPAN version) is 0.10


LoadWorm depends on the following modules for it's function.

Perl 5.004 (thanks, Larry!)

LWP from libwww-perl-5_20

LWP::Parallel from ParallelUserAgent-v2_31 (thanks to Marc Langheinrich!)

Tk from Tk402_003

Time::Local and Time::HiRes for Unix OS.

Win32 for Win32 OS.

And various core Perl modules, including 
    English, File::Path, File::Copy, Socket, Carp, FileHandle, Sys::Hostname.


Glenn Wood, Glenn.Wood@SaveSmart.com

Copyright 1997-1998 SaveSmart, Inc.

Released under the Perl Artistic License.


98.6.23 Version 0.10 uploaded to CPAN.
98.6.23 AnyURL.pm removed; caused problems with proper CPAN distribution.

README Revision $Id: README 1.2 1998/06/24 03:03:54 Glenn dev $