--- lib/Hash/Flatten.pm.orig	2007-08-14 08:34:38.000000000 +0200
+++ lib/Hash/Flatten.pm	2007-08-14 08:35:11.000000000 +0200
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
 use constant DEFAULT_HASH_DELIM => '.';
 use constant DEFAULT_ARRAY_DELIM => ':';
+use constant RETURN_EMPTY_HASH_VALUES => 0;
+use constant DEFAULT_EMPTY_HASH_VALUE => '';
 #Check if we need to support overloaded stringification
 use constant HAVE_OVERLOAD => eval {
@@ -36,6 +38,8 @@
 	$self->{HashDelimiter} ||= DEFAULT_HASH_DELIM;
 	$self->{ArrayDelimiter} ||= DEFAULT_ARRAY_DELIM;
+	$self->{EmptyHashValue} ||= DEFAULT_EMPTY_HASH_VALUE;
+	$self->{ReturnEmptyHashValues} ||= RETURN_EMPTY_HASH_VALUES;
 	$self->{EscapeSequence} = "\\" unless(defined $self->{EscapeSequence} && length($self->{EscapeSequence}) > 0);
 	#Sanity check: delimiters don't contain escape sequence
@@ -204,6 +208,7 @@
 		die "Recursive data structure detected at this point in the structure: '$prefix'. Cannot flatten recursive structures.";
+    return ($self->_flatten($prefix, $self->{EmptyHashValue}, $delim)) if (not keys %$hashref and $prefix and $self->{ReturnEmptyHashValues} );
 	my @flat;
 	for my $k (keys %$hashref)
--- t/hash_flatten.t.orig	2007-08-14 08:35:05.000000000 +0200
+++ t/hash_flatten.t	2007-08-14 08:35:11.000000000 +0200
@@ -71,6 +71,92 @@
+# Nested hashes with empty sub hashes
+my $data =
+	'x' => 1,
+	'y' => {
+		'a' => 2,
+		'b' => {
+			'p' => 3,
+			'q' => 4,
+            'r' => {},
+		},
+	}
+my $flat_data = {
+	'x' => 1,
+	'y.a' => 2,
+	'y.b.p' => 3,
+	'y.b.q' => 4,
+my $flat = Hash::Flatten::flatten($data);
+ASSERT EQUAL($flat, $flat_data), 'nested hashes with subhashes 1';
+# subhashes can not be reconstructed
+my $unflat = Hash::Flatten::unflatten($flat);
+ASSERT EQUAL($unflat, {
+                       'x' => 1,
+                       'y' => {
+                               'a' => 2,
+                               'b' => {
+                                       'p' => 3,
+                                       'q' => 4,
+                                      },
+                              }
+                      }), 'nested hashes with subhashes unflattened 1';
+my $data =
+	'x' => 1,
+	'y' => {
+		'a' => 2,
+		'b' => {
+			'p' => 3,
+			'q' => 4,
+            'r' => {},
+		},
+	}
+my $flat_data = {
+	'x' => 1,
+	'y.a' => 2,
+	'y.b.p' => 3,
+	'y.b.q' => 4,
+	'y.b.r' => ''
+$flat = Hash::Flatten::flatten($data, {'ReturnEmptyHashValues' => 1, 'EmptyHashValue' => ''});
+ASSERT EQUAL($flat, $flat_data), 'nested hashes with subhashes 2';
+# subhashes can not be reconstructed
+my $unflat = Hash::Flatten::unflatten($flat);
+ASSERT EQUAL($unflat, {
+                       'x' => 1,
+                       'y' => {
+                               'a' => 2,
+                               'b' => {
+                                       'p' => 3,
+                                       'q' => 4,
+                                       'r' => '',
+                                      },
+                              }
+                      }), 'nested hashes with subhashes unflattened 2';
 # Mixed hashes/arrays