NAME Plack::Middleware::Pjax - PJAX for your Plack VERSION version 1.114400 SYNOPSIS use Plack::Builder; builder { enable 'Plack::Middleware::Pjax'; $app } DESCRIPTION Plack::Middleware::Pjax adds easy support for serving chromeless pages in combination with jquery-pjax. For more information on what pjax is, check the SEE ALSO links below. It does this by filtering the generated response through Marpa::R2::HTML. If the x-pjax http header is set, only the title and InnerHTML of the pjax-container are sent to the client. Although you take a small processing hit adding an html parsing pass into the response cycle, using Plack::Middleware::Pjax saves you from adding any view specific logic in your plack applications. See demo/ in the dist directory for a plack port of Thanks to the authors of rack-pjax, as it is the source of inspiration (also docs and tests) for the creation of this module. DETAILS ... ...
Include the above in your applications layout wrapper. When any link is hit with a pushstate enabled browser, Plack::Middleware::Pjax will return a fragment like: foo bar baz SEE ALSO * * Marpa::R2::HTML * * AUTHOR Matthew Phillips COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Matthew Phillips . This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.