Sub::ParamFrame                                               version   0.01

- Supply key alias and defaults of named arguments.

        use Sub::ParamFrame ':all';

        sub myFunc
            # Define the rule how named arguments shell be processed
              'D' => [...,Name(i)=>DefVal(i),...], # assign default key-value  association.
              'M' => [ sub {...}, P(1),...P(k) ];  # keys mask function and fixed arguments

            # access a certain count of positional arguments here
            my @PARGS = splice @_,0,N;

            # Load named arguments. That is create a hash according to arguments
            # passed to pfrule. This hash also contains default arguments

            my $arg = pfload @_;

            # access argument or default of name NAME
            do_something_with $arg->{NAME};
            # or likewise access key NAME, in addition erase it from $arg
            do_something_with delete $arg->{NAME};
            # could also be used in list context accessing multiple arguments ..
            ($v1,$v2,...) = delete @$arg{NAME1,NAME2,...};
        }   ##myFunc

    A couple of modules already deal with named parameters and default
    values, see

    This solution pursues another scope of usability, covers distinct
    features and uses another syntactic approach.

    Named parameters are identified by a hash built from the argument vector
    @_. The generation and behavior of this hash will be controlled by a
    rule. If one subroutine "myFunc()" uses such a rule, this rule appears
    as a command within the subroutine's body. The rule lays down one ore
    both of two properties:

    1. a name-value-association of defaults and 2. an alias mapping for
    argument names.

    Once this rule is passed by call of "pfrule" from the first invocation
    of "myFunc", the generation of the hash by the "pfload" function shell
    follow this rule at once and during future calls.

    "pfrule" appears before "pfload" and will be executed only once, only
    when the calling subroutine runs first time.

    Two named optional arguments are defined for "pfrule", neither must be

   Arguments of "pfrule"
            'D' => [...,Name(i)=>DefVal(i),...]

    Defines a default key-value-association. "pfload" stores this
    association before arguments usually from @_ advance and may override
    some default values.

            'M' => $mask                      where  $mask = sub {...}
            'M' => [ $mask, P(1),...P(m) ]    or           = \&fmask

    Keys mask function and optionally fixed arguments. If 'M' is omitted
    "pfload" shall return just a hash. If 'M' is present it causes "pfload"
    to return a hash tied to class "Tie::Hash::KeysMask" such that each
    access to the hash triggers a key translation:

             $k   =>   $mask->($k,P(1),...P(m))

    Instead of a CODE "'M'=>$mask" could take one of the following
    particular values

            'M' => 'lc'   or  'M' => 'uc'   or  'M' => \%T

            which will be translated into a CODE as follows

            'lc' => sub { lc $_[0] }        # omit case of character distinction
            'uc' => sub { uc $_[0] }        # with 'uc' or 'lc' translations
            \%T  => sub { exists $T{$_[0]} ? $T{$_[0]} : $_[0]}
                                            # hash %T defines aliases

    Contrary to other approaches to named arguments, one may choose freely
    the position of the first named argument within @_. Any amount of @_ may
    be shifted onto positional parameters before the command "pfload @_"
    takes the remaining pairs of key=>value. Of course arguments different
    from @_ are also allowed behind "pfload".

    "Sub::ParamFrame" is not a class, however it relies on a class package
    "Sub::ParamLoader" which inherits from "Tie::Hash::KeysMask".

    As described in Tie::Hash::KeysMask one must take care, that the mask
    function (specified by 'M'=>) fit to some restriction.

        use Sub::ParamFrame ':all';

        my @seasons = qw(spring summer autumn winter);

        sub actionA             # Parameter names @seasons
        {                       # case-insensitive by option 'M'=>'c'.
            my $person = shift; # first argument $person passed without a parameter name
            pfrule 'M' => 'uc', 'D' => [qw(winter SKI summer SWIM)];
            my $arg = pfload @_;
            my $pname = sprintf '+%12s does ',$person;
            my $actions = join ', ',map sprintf('%s:%s',$_,$arg->{$_}),@seasons;

        sub actionB      # Parameter names (case-insensitive, shortable up to length 2)
        {                #      sp[ring], su[mmer], au[tumn], wi[nter]
            my $person = shift; # first argument passed without a name
                'M' =>    # match any left substring of a season-name with length
                sub       # at least 2, ignoring case of characters
                    my $ikl  = lc(shift);      my $ikl2 = substr $ikl,0,2;
                    my $res  = {qw(sp spring su summer au autumn wi winter)}->{$ikl2};
                    return undef unless
                    ( defined $res)  && ($ikl eq substr($res,0,length $ikl));
            'D' => [qw(wi SNOWBOARD spr BIKE su WATERJUMP aut EAT)];

            my $arg = pfload @_;
            my $pname = sprintf '-%12s does ',$person;
            my $actions = join ', ',map sprintf('%s:%s',$_,$arg->{$_}),@seasons;

        # For ease visual distinction default values were chosen in uppercase
        print "Default values uppercase ('D'=>[.. 'winter'=>'SKI'...]), others lowercase!\n";
        print '-'x74,"\n";
        print actionA qw(Alice Spring run Autumn ride);
        print actionB qw(Alice Spri   run AU     ride);
        print actionA qw(Ann spring sing SUMMER dive AuTumn study);
        print actionB qw(Ann spr    sing SUM    dive Au     study);
        print actionA qw(Iris AUTUMN travel WINTER shop Spring marry summer bike);
        print actionB qw(Iris AUT    travel WIN    shop Spring marry summer bike);

    Josef Sch�nbrunner <>

    Copyright (c) 2005 by Josef Sch�nbrunner This library is free software;
    you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl
    itself, either Perl version 5.8.7 or, at your option, any later version
    of Perl 5 you may have available.