SYNOPSIS In function Rinci metadata: result => { object => { spec => { summary => "Account information", fields => { id => { summary => "Account ID", schema => ['int*', {min=>1000}], req => 1, }, name => { summary => "Account name", schema => 'str*', req => 1, }, account => { summary => "Alias for name, for backward-compat", schema => "str*", }, plan => { summary => "Account's plan name", schema => 'str*', }, is_disabled => { summary => "Whether the account is disabled", schema => 'bool*', }, disk_usage => { summary => "Current disk usage, in MB", schema => 'float', }, bw_usage => { summary => "Current month's data transfer, in GB", schema => 'float', }, }, }, # allow_extra_fields => 0, # allow_underscore_fields => 0, }, ... } DESCRIPTION This property is similar to Perinci::Sub::Property::result::table except that it describes a single row (or object a la JavaScript object, or a hash): { id => 1001, name => "steven", account => "steven", plan => "BIZ A", is_disabled => 0, disk_usage => 3788, bw_usage => 120, } This module offers several things: * (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED) When you generate documentation, the object specification is also included in the documentation. (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED, IDEA) The user can also perhaps request the object specification, e.g. yourfunc --help=result-object-spec, yourfunc --result-object-spec. * (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED) The wrapper code can optionally validate your function result, making sure that your resulting object/hash conforms to the specification. SPECIFICATION The value of the object property should be a DefHash. Known properties: * spec => DEFHASH Required. Object data specification, currently follows TableDef except that the <pos> property is not used. * allow_extra_fields => BOOL (default: 0) Whether to allow the function to return extra fields other than the ones specified in spec. * allow_underscore_fields => BOOL (default: 0) Like allow_extra_fields, but regulates whether to allow any extra fields prefixed by an underscore. Underscore-prefixed keys FAQ Why not use the schema property in the result property? That is, in your function metadata: result => { schema => ['hash*', keys => { id => 'int*', name => 'str*', account => 'str*', plan => 'str*', id_disabled => 'bool*', disk_usage => 'float', bw_usage => 'float', }, req_keys => [qw/id name plan/]], }, Actually you can. But with the object result property, the intent becomes clearer that we want to return object/hash. And this module provides the hooks for generating documentation.