# Tomtit Tomtit - Perl6 task runner with dozens of [plugins](https://github.com/melezhik/sparrowdo). [](https://asciinema.org/a/218537) # Build Status [](https://travis-ci.org/melezhik/tomtit) # INSTALL zef install Tomtit # Bootstrap You need to bootstrap your system to start using tomtit, it's a one time operation, where you install Sparrow which is underlying tomtit runner. tom --bootstrap # USAGE tom $action|$options $thing Run scenario: tom $scenario Default action (list of scenarios): tom List available scenarios: tom --list Get help: tom --help Show the last executed scenario: tom --last Clean tomtit cache: tom --clean Example: tom --list [scenarios list] test build install tom test # Defining scenarios Tomtit scenarios are just Sparrowdo scenarios you create in `.tom` directory, which is base Tomtit directory: mkdir .tom/ nano .tom/build.pl6 nano .tom/test.pl6 nano .tom/install.pl6 You want to ignore tomtit cache which commit files to SCM: git add .tom/ echo .tom/.cache >> .gitignore # Scenario example You can do anything, allowable through [Sparrowdo API](https://github.com/melezhik/sparrowdo), like: cat .tom/example.pl6 # you can Sparrowdo shortcuts # to create files and directories file 'passwords.txt', %( content => "super secret" ); directory '.cache'; # or restart service service-restart "web-app"; # or you can run a certain sparrow plugin # by using task-run function: task-run 'my task', 'plugin', %( foo => 'bar' ); # for example, to set git repository, # use git-base plugin: task-run "set git", "git-base", %( email => 'melezhik@gmail.com', name => 'Alexey Melezhik', config_scope => 'local', set_credential_cache => 'on' ); And so on. As result you minimize code to execute many typical tasks. # Profiles Profiles are predefined sets of tomtit scenarios. To start using scenarios from profile you say: tom --profile $profile Once the command is executed the profile scenarios get installed to the base tomtit directory. To list available profiles say this: tom --profile To list profiles scenarios say this: tom --list --profile $profile You can install selected scenario from profile by using special notation: tom --profile $profile@$scenario For example to install `commit` scenario from `git` profile: tom --profile git@commit # Portable profiles Tomtit exposes API to create portable profiles as regular Perl6 modules. You should create Perl6 module in `Tomtit::Profile` namespace with the _our_ function `profile-data`, returning `Hash` with scenarios data. For example: #!perl6 use v6; unit module Tomtit::Profile::Pets:ver<0.0.1>; our sub profile-data () { my %a is Map = ( cat => (slurp %?RESOURCES<cat.pl6>.Str), dog => (slurp %?RESOURCES<dog.pl6>.Str), fish => (slurp %?RESOURCES<fish.pl6>.Str) ); } The above module defines [Tomtit::Profile::Pets](https://github.com/melezhik/tomtit-profile-pets) profile with 3 scenarios `cat, dog, fish` installed as module resources: resources/ cat.pl6 dog.pl6 fish.pl6 Now we can install it as regular Perl6 module and use through tom: zef install Tomtit::Profile::Pets When we run `--profile` through tomtit cli we need to replace all the `::` by `-` this requirements is Because bash completion does not work with `:` symbols: tom --list --profile Tomtit-Profile-Pets load portable profile Tomtit::Profile::Pets as Perl6 module ... [profile scenarios] Tomtit::Profile::Pets@cat installed: False Tomtit::Profile::Pets@dog installed: False Tomtit::Profile::Pets@fish installed: False tom --profile Tomtit::Profile::Pets install Tomtit::Profile::Pets@cat ... install Tomtit::Profile::Pets@dog ... install Tomtit::Profile::Pets@fish ... # Removing scenarios To remove installed scenario say this: tom --remove $scenario # Edit scenario source code Use `--edit` to create scenario from the scratch or to edit existed scenario source code: tom --edit $scenario # Getting scenario source code Use `--cat` command to print out scenario source code: tom --cat $scenario Use `--lines` flag to print out with line numbers. # Environments You can define tomtit environments/configurations as [Sparrowdo configuration files](https://github.com/melezhik/sparrowdo#scenarios-configuration). Create configuration file at `.tom/conf` directory: .tom/env/config.pl6: { name => "tomtit", who-are-you => "smart bird" } Run tomtit. It will pick the `.tom/env/config.pl6` and read configuration from it, variables will be accessible as `config` Hash, inside tomtit scenarios: my $name = config<name>; my $who-are-you = config<who-are-you>; To define _named_ configuration ( environment ), simply create `.tom/env/config{$env}.pl6` file and refer to it through `--env=$env` parameter: nano .tom/env/config.prod.pl6 tom --env=prod ... other parameters here # will run with production configuration You can run editor for environment configuration by using --edit option: tom --env-edit test # edit test enviroment configuration tom --env-edit default # edit default configuration You can activate environment by using `--env-set` parameter: tom --env-set prod # set prod environment as default tom --env-set # to list active (current) environment tom --env-set default # to set current environment to default To view environment configuration use `--env-cat` command: tom --env-cat $env You print out the list of all environments by using `--env-list` parameters: tom --env-list # Tomtit cli configuration You can set tomtit configuration in `~/tom.yaml` file: # list of portable tomtit profiles, # will be available through Bash completion profiles: - Tomtit-Foo - Tomtit-Bar - Tomtit-Bar-Baz # you can also setup some tomtit cli options here options: quiet: True # Options --verbose # run scenario in verbose mode --quiet,-q # run scenario in less verbose mode # Bash completion You can install Bash completion for tom cli. tom --completion source ~/.tom_completion.sh # Author Alexey Melezhik # Thanks to God Who gives me inspiration in my work