tap-mode.el - A major mode for editing .tap-files in Emacs

TAP is the Test Anything Protocol, a communication protocol
between unit tests and a test harness.

This mode mainly defines a grammar for syntax highlighting 
of TAP files.



Put "tap-mode.el" into your load-path and the following
into your ~/.emacs:

  (require 'tap-mode)

To associate tap-mode with .tap files add the following
into your ~/.emacs

  (setq auto-mode-alist
    (append auto-mode-alist
      '(("\\.tap$" . tap-mode))))

To automatically turn on font-lock-mode add the following
into your ~/.emacs

  (add-hook 'tap-mode-hook 'font-lock-mode)


Author:  Steffen Schwigon <ss5@renormalist.net>
License: GPL
Tested:  i386-linux       with GNU Emacs

This mode is built with help of the "Emacs language mode creation
tutorial" written by Scott Andrew Borton, now hosted at

I'm interested in comments/enhancements/bugfixes/cpanrating.