NAME Math::Geometry::Planar::Offset - Calculate offset polygons SYNOPSIS use Math::Geometry::Planar::Offset; AUTHOR Eric Wilhelm <ewilhelm at sbcglobal dot net> COPYRIGHT NOTICE Copyright (C) 2003 Eric Wilhelm NO WARRANTY Absolutely, positively NO WARRANTY, neither express or implied, is offered with this software. You use this software at your own risk. In case of loss, neither Eric Wilhelm, nor anyone else, owes you anything whatseover. You have been warned. Note that this includes NO GUARANTEE of MATHEMATICAL CORRECTNESS. If you are going to use this code in a production environment, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to verify that the methods return the correct values. LICENSE You may use this software under one of the following licenses: (1) GNU General Public License (found at (2) Artistic License (found at Dependencies CAD::Calc Math::Geometry::Planar CHANGES 1.02 First Public Release 1.03 Code cleanup BUGS There are currently some problems with concurrent edge events on outward (and maybe inward) offsets. Some significant changes need to be made. METHODS These methods are actually defined in Math::Geometry::Planar, which uses this module. offset_polygon Returns reference to an array of polygons representing the original polygon offsetted by $distance $polygon->offset_polygon($distance); Functions Only OffsetPolygon is exported. pi Returns the constant pi OffsetPolygon Make offset polygon subroutine. Call with offset distance and ref to array of points for original polygon polygon input must be pre-wrapped so point[n]=point[0] Will return a list of polygons (as refs)